News archive from the RISM Switzerland

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Completion of the pilot phase in the D-MUS project

With the publication of about 110 documents from the Swiss National Library in Bern (Nationalbibliothek, NB), the pilot phase of the D-MUS project is now coming to an end. Unique music sources from Switzerland will be digitised and published in the online catalogue. The sources consist of select autograph manuscripts,...

12 June 2020

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Angelic voicees. Preserve and communicate - Fribourg's cultural heritage

Lecture and concert, 1 April 2020 at the Ancien Hôpital des Bourgeois, Fribourg Music holdings in Swiss libraries and at the BCU Fribourg - An overview The event is postponed due to Covid-19! For further information: In Swiss libraries, there are music collections that are still not unpacked from...

11 March 2020

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Fresh Swiss data

The data on Swiss sources published on our catalogue page now once more match the data of the international database. In fact, after several years of separate catalogue work, the latest developments in the “Muscat” data capture software have recently enabled the Swiss RISM office to start again feeding data...

12 June 2019

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Luca Marenzio: Il pastor fido – a second CD from RISM Switzerland

In the archive of the Swiss municipality of Zuoz, in Engadin, a very precious music book has been preserved. With the support of RISM Switzerland, the director Francesco Saverio Pedrini and his ensemble La Pedrina chose to record a selection from this collection with the Claves label. The choice made...

10 January 2019

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Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME)

On Friday, 14 December 2018, the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg presented the new Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME), which was developed in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) in Los Altos, California/USA and RISM Switzerland. To this fully digital music edition, RISM Switzerland has contributed the tool Verovio, a self-developed...

20 December 2018

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