Fresh Swiss data
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
The data on Swiss sources published on our catalogue page now once more match the data of the international database. In fact, after several years of separate catalogue work, the latest developments in the “Muscat” data capture software have recently enabled the Swiss RISM office to start again feeding data collected in Switzerland directly into the international source database.
For about five years now, all RISM offices worldwide have been using the same data capture software, Muscat, for which RISM Switzerland is technically responsible. This has made it possible in principle for RISM Switzerland staff to catalogue their local sources directly in the central database. The more recent Swiss data, which since 2008 have only been accessible on the Swiss website, were merged with the database of the central editorial office at the beginning of the year after several months of adjustments. From June 2020 the data referring to Swiss sources are transferred automatically from the international database to the Swiss RISM website.
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