News archive from the RISM Switzerland

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Concert with digitised musical sources by Adolf Reichel in Bern

Between 2016 and 2017, RISM Switzerland catalogued and partly digitised the collection of the Bernese composer Adolf Reichel (1816-1896). Max Sommerhalder and the RISM collaborator Florence Sidler will present on 18th November 2018 the performance of a Reichel string quartet in Bern. The Reichel collection was considered lost until 2013....

23 October 2018

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Catalogue of the Albert Jenny collection completed

Within the long-term cataloguing project in the Lucerne Central and University Library, the musical sources from the collection of Albert Jenny (1912-1992) have been recently catalogued. The slightly more than 300 database entries can now be consulted online. The musician from Solothurn is of great importance to central Switzerland. In...

16 June 2018

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Collaboration with the BCU Fribourg

At the middle of February 2018, RISM Switzerland begins a three-year collaboration with the Cantonal and University Library of Fribourg. The project aims to catalogue the BCU’s historical music collection. This contains a large amount of music sources, which have been until now hardly, if at all, examined. There are...

5 February 2018

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End of cataloging project “Adolf Reichel”

The cataloging of the collection of Adolf Reichel (1816-1896) was completed by the Swiss RISM office at the beginning of December 2017. The cataloging of manuscript and printed sources adds 1201 titles to our database. The collection is kept in the Music Library of the University of the Arts Bern....

11 December 2017

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OnStage: Workshop in the SLUB Dresden

In October, the web platform “OnStage” was presented by two collaborators with a poster at a workshop of the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB). The purpose of the workshop was to compare different solutions for the development and access to “music performance ephemera” with regard to the realization...

29 November 2017

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