RISM Switzerland dataset in RISM Online


RISM Switzerland

The RISM Switzerland records music manuscripts and printed musical sources in Swiss libraries and archives according to international scientific standards. It thus contributes in an essential way to the conservation of cultural assets in music in Switzerland. The inventoried collections are accessible to musical performers as well as to musicological research worldwide via internet.


The 'Disjecta membra' project reunites musical prints in Lugano and London

The Biblioteca Salita dei frati in Lugano (CH-LUbsf), which, among other things, brings together the ancient collections of the libraries of the Ticino Capuchin monasteries, also holds a small number of historical music sources. One of these turned out to be a unique copy: the alto and basso continuo parts...

24 July 2024

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Digitised sources from the ZHB Lucerne in Onstage

Within the digitisation projects of RISM Switzerland, various musical sources from the holdings of the Central and University Library Lucerne (ZHB) were digitised in 2022. One thousand concert programmes from the ZHB holdings have now been published on the Onstage platform. The project Onstage aims to record programme notes from...

28 September 2023

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Lazzaro Valvasensi in Maienfeld

A valuable musical document is preserved in the private library of the Graubünden noble family Sprecher von Bernegg in Maienfeld. It is the only surviving copy of a Venetian music edition from the first half of the 17th century by the Friulian composer Lazzaro Valvasensi (1585-1661). As part of the...

24 May 2023

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Digitised sources from the ZHB Lucerne

Within the digitisation projects “Digital Music Unica in Switzerland” and “Disjecta membra”, a number of musical sources from the holdings of the Central and University Library of Lucerne were digitised in 2022. Around fifty music autographs and unique music prints are now online. Among these sources are works that are...

24 May 2023

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Cataloguing the collection of Caroline Boissier-Butini (1786-1836) at the Bibliothèque de Genève

The Geneva composer Caroline Boissier-Butini (1786-1836) is an exceptional figure in the Swiss musical landscape. Thanks to the opportunities afforded by her upper-class origins, she had the freedom to pursue her talents and composed some thirty works, most of them with, or for, piano, among them six piano concertos. She...

1 May 2023

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