News archive from the RISM Switzerland

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Cataloguing software Muscat

Since November 14, all RISM working groups at international level have been working with our Muscat software. Migration of all RISM data (about 1 million titles) was carried out by the RISM Central Office (export of data from Kallisto) and by our collaborator Rodolfo Zitellini (importing in Muscat). Muscat is...

13 December 2016

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Cooperation with the National Library of Australia

RISM Switzerland took over an unusual task in October 2016. In collaboration with the National Library of Australia (NLA) in Canberra, work started on a private music collection which was donated to the NLA and has to be shipped to Australia. The collection was assembled by an Australian couple of...

15 November 2016

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Collaboration with the Music Library of the University of the Arts Bern

RISM Switzerland starts in late July 2016 to catalog the collection of the Bernese composer Adolf Reichel (1816-1896) that was considered lost until 2013. The collection was donated to the Music Library of the University of the Arts in Bern by his great-grandson Helmuth Reichel. The cataloging of the Adolf...

10 August 2016

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End of cataloging in the music archive of the BCU Lausanne

The cataloging of the collections of Henry Plumhof (1836-1914), Paul Juon (1872-1940), Louis Piantoni (1885-1958) and Raffaele d’Alessandro (1911-1959) in the music archive of the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne was completed by the Swiss RISM office at the beginning of July 2016. The cataloging of manuscript and printed...

12 July 2016

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Jubilee concert of the Swiss RISM Association on 14 June 2016 in Berne

The association “Swiss Office of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM)” celebrates its 20th anniversary on 14 June 2016 with a public concert. An ample choice from Maurizio Cazzati’s “Messa e Salmi”, op. 36, will be performed by the Basel vocal ensemble Voces Suaves. On this occasion, a speech...

26 May 2016

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