Digitised sources from the ZHB Lucerne in Onstage
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Within the digitisation projects of RISM Switzerland, various musical sources from the holdings of the Central and University Library Lucerne (ZHB) were digitised in 2022. One thousand concert programmes from the ZHB holdings have now been published on the Onstage platform. The project Onstage aims to record programme notes from Swiss collections. Of the numerous programme notes from Lucerne, the sources of the Theater- und Musikliebhabergesellschaft and the programmes from the Gustav Arnold collection have been published, ranging from 1807 (one year after the foundation of the society) to the 1930s. The illustration shows the concert programme of Louise Mattmann in the hall of the Gymnasium on 20 July 1846. Louise Mattmann, a Swiss pianist (1827, Balwil-1861, Paris) became the favourite pupil of Friedrich Kalkbrenner in France and was considered one of the most famous performers of her time.
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